Computer Operator (Free) Fundamental Operating System Word Excel Power Point Access HTML Fundamental 3 COMPUTER FUNDAMENTAL 50 Random Questions in Every Attempt. 1 / 50 The output quality of a printer is measured by Dot per sq. inch Dot per inch Dots printed per unit time All of the above 2 / 50 Machine language is… Machine dependent Difficult to program Error prone All of above 3 / 50 A set of flip flops integrated together is called ____ Counter Adder Register None of the above 4 / 50 The arranging of data in a logical sequence is called Sorting Classifying Reproducing Summarizing 5 / 50 Which of the following is not processing? arranging manipulating calculating gathering 6 / 50 The value of each bead in heaven of ABACUS is… 1 3 5 7 7 / 50 Which of the following is not input unit device? scanner camera plotter digitizer 8 / 50 Microprocessors as switching devices are for which generation computers First Generation Second Generation Third Generation Fourth Generation 9 / 50 Which type of computers uses the 8-bit code called EBCDIC? Minicomputers Microcomputers Mainframe computers Super computer 10 / 50 What does EBCDIC stand for? Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code Extended Bit Code Decimal Interchange Code Extended Bit Case Decimal Interchange Code Extended Binary Case Decimal Interchange Code 11 / 50 A dumb terminal has an embedded microprocessor extensive memory independent processing capability a keyboard and screen 12 / 50 High density double sided floppy disks could store……of data. 1.40 MB 1.44 GB 1.40 GB 1.44 MB 13 / 50 The ALU of a computer responds to the commands coming from Primary memory Control section External memory Cache memory 14 / 50 What is the responsibility of the logical unit in the CPU of a computer? To produce result To compare numbers To control flow of information To do math’s works 15 / 50 Chief component of first generation computer was Transistors Vacuum Tubes and Valves Integrated Circuits None of above 16 / 50 A byte consists of… One bit Four bits Eight bits Sixteen bits 17 / 50 The two kinds of main memory are: Primary and secondary Random and sequential ROM and RAM All of above 18 / 50 To produce high quality graphics (hardcopy) in color, you would want to use a/n RGB monitor Plotter Ink-jet printer Laser printer 19 / 50 ….. computers are also called personal computers. Mainframe Computer Mini Computers Micro Computers Super Computers 20 / 50 Instructions and memory address are represented by Character code Binary codes Binary word Parity bit 21 / 50 BCD is… Binary Coded Decimal Bit Coded Decimal Binary Coded Digit Bit Coded Digit 22 / 50 Nepal brought a computer for census of 2028 BS. This computer was of First Generation Second Generation Third Generation Fourth Generation 23 / 50 Which of the following memory medium is not used as main memory system? Magnetic core Semiconductor Magnetic tape Both semiconductor and magnetic tape 24 / 50 Programs designed to perform specific tasks is known as system software application software utility programs operating system 25 / 50 Modern Computers are very reliable but they are not Fast Powerful Infallible Cheap 26 / 50 Which generation of computer is still under development Fourth Generation Fifth Generation Sixth Generation Seventh Generation 27 / 50 UNIVAC is Universal Automatic Computer Universal Array Computer Unique Automatic Computer Unvalued Automatic Computer 28 / 50 Integrated Circuits (ICs) are related to which generation of computers? First generation Second generation Third generation Fourth generation 29 / 50 A storage area used to store data to a compensate for the difference in speed at which the different units can handle data is Memory Buffer Accumulator Address 30 / 50 A physical connection between the microprocessor memory and other parts of the microcomputer is known as Path Address bus Route All of the above 31 / 50 Storage capacity of magnetic disk depends on tracks per inch of surface bits per inch of tracks disk pack in disk surface All of above 32 / 50 From which generation operating systems were developed? First Generation Second Generation Third Generation Fourth Generation 33 / 50 Which is used for manufacturing chips? Bus Control unit Semiconductors A and b only 34 / 50 The basic operations performed by a computer are Arithmetic operation Logical operation Storage and relative All the above 35 / 50 Multi user systems provided cost savings for small business because they use a single processing unit to link several Personal computers Workstations Dumb terminals Mainframes 36 / 50 Which of the following storage devices can store maximum amount of data? Floppy Disk Hard Disk Compact Disk Magneto Optic Disk 37 / 50 Which is considered a direct entry input device? Optical scanner Mouse and digitizer Light pen All of the above 38 / 50 Which of the following was a special purpose computer? ABC ENIAC EDVAC All of the above 39 / 50 The term gigabyte refers to 1024 bytes 1024 kilobytes 1024 megabytes 1024 gigabyte 40 / 50 One millisecond is 10ᵗʰ of a seconds 1000ᵗʰ of a seconds 1000ᵗʰ of a seconds 10000ᵗʰ of a seconds 41 / 50 The first computer introduced in Nepal was IBM 1400 IBM 1401 IBM 1402 IBM1402 42 / 50 Abacus was the first electronic computer mechanical computer electronic calculator mechanical calculator 43 / 50 Properly arranged data is called Field Words Information File 44 / 50 Which of the following require large computers memory? Imaging Graphics Voice ll of Above 45 / 50 Which of the following is the first computer to use Stored Program Concept? UNIVAC ENIAC EDSAC None of above 46 / 50 What is required when more than one person uses a central computer at the same time? Light pen Mouse Digitizer Terminal 47 / 50 Which of the following is used as a primary storage device? Magnetic drum Hard Disks Floppy All of above 48 / 50 Instruction in computer languages consists of OPCODE OPERAND Both of above None of above 49 / 50 Which of the following produces the best quality graphics reproduction? Laser printer Ink jet printer Plotter Dot matrix printer 50 / 50 When was vacuum tube invented? 1900 1906 1910 1880 Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte Restart quiz Operating System 1 OPERATING SYSTEM 50 Random Questions in Every Attempt. 1 / 50 What is the function of radio button? To select multiple option To select single option To select single option All of above 2 / 50 When a peripheral device needs immediate attention from the operating system, it generates a(n)… Interrupt Spool Stack Page file 3 / 50 Which of the following is an example of a real time operating system? Lynx MS DOS Windows XP Process Control 4 / 50 The memory which allocates space for DOS and application is called Expanded memory Cache memory Virtual memory Conventional memory 5 / 50 Recently deleted files are stored in Recycle bin Desktop Taskbar My computer 6 / 50 Which of the following is not an operating system? DOS Linux Windows Oracle 7 / 50 Which of the following operating system reads and reacts in actual time? Quick Response System Real Time System Time Sharing System Batch Processing System 8 / 50 Which command is used to see the version of operating system? Vol Version Ver None of the above 9 / 50 When you start up the computer the boot up storage at which the BIOS versions manufacturer and data are displayed on the monitor is called Bootstrap Power on self test (POST) System configuration Kernel loading 10 / 50 A…is a flash memory storage device that plugins into a USB port. USB snap drive USB flash drive USB memory maker drive None of above 11 / 50 The Basic Input Output System (BIOS) resides in RAM ROM The CPU Memory Cache 12 / 50 A small part of taskbar that has icons of background running applications is Start button Quick launch Task bar System tray 13 / 50 Which of the following operating system does not implement the multitasking truly? Windows 98 Windows NT Windows XP MS DOS 14 / 50 Which of the following shutdown method is often called Warm Boot? Shut Down Restart Sleep Hibernate 15 / 50 The command used to create logical drive for specific location of disk. Fdisk Format Subst All of the above 16 / 50 Linux is a(n) … operating system Open source Microsoft Windows Mac 17 / 50 Underlined text, such as text and folder names is referred to as Hyperlink Menu Source drive None of these 18 / 50 You should choose this mode if you don’t know how long you won’t use your computer but want to have the same desktop state when you resume Shut Down Restart Sleep Hibernate 19 / 50 The operating system creates…from the physical computer Virtual space Virtual computer Virtual device None 20 / 50 Which of the following is drop down list? List Combo box Text area None 21 / 50 If the displayed system time and date is wrong, you can reset it using Write Calendar Write file Control panel 22 / 50 Which operating system can you give smallest file name? Ps/2 Dos Windows Windows NT 23 / 50 Which mode loads minimal set of drivers when starting Windows? Safe Mode Normal Mode VGA Mode Network Support Mode 24 / 50 Which is not an external command? Edit XCOPY Sys None of the above 25 / 50 What is Dr. Watson? IT Expert Diagnosis tool Surgeon None 26 / 50 The … is the drive containing the files to be copied. Source drive Destination drive USB drive None of the above 27 / 50 Which of the following does not support more than one program at a time? DOS Linux Windows Unix 28 / 50 The …. program compresses large files into a smaller file WinZip WinShrink WinStyle None of above 29 / 50 … runs on a computer hardware and serves as a platform for other system to run on Operating system Application system System software All of above 30 / 50 Which is not application software? Windows NT Page Maker WinWord Photoshop 31 / 50 The number of character contained in primary name (DOS)? Up to 8 characters 3 characters Up to 10 characters None of the above 32 / 50 Which one is not operating system? P11 OS/2 Windows Unix 33 / 50 Running multiple programs at the same time is called: Multitasking Foreground tasking Single tasking Symmetric 34 / 50 The command allows you to create logical drive Sort Path Subst Batch 35 / 50 Which of the following is/are external commands? Edit Label Sys All of above 36 / 50 Which command is used to display the contents of the text file of DOS? Copy con Copy Type Dir 37 / 50 Which command is used to undelete a bunch of files with extension .doc that you have just deleted? Undelete Undelete/all Undelete *.doc All of above 38 / 50 Taskbar is used for… Navigation program Switching between program Start a program All of above 39 / 50 World Wide Web is being standard by Worldwide corporation W3C World Wide Consortium World Wide Web Standard 40 / 50 A page fault occurs when the Deadlock happens the Segmentation starts the page is found in the memory the page is not found in the memory 41 / 50 Which of the following is system software? Operating system Compiler Utilities All of the above 42 / 50 Which of the following is program group? Accessories Paint Word All of above 43 / 50 The function of Dir/W is Show all details of file Show only file name and directory name Shows only directory All of the above 44 / 50 A Microsoft Windows is…. a(n) Operating system Graphic program Word Processing Database program 45 / 50 Which of the following Windows do not have Start button Windows Vista Windows 7 Windows 8 None of above 46 / 50 Which operating system doesn’t support networking between computers? Windows 2000 Windows NT Windows 3.1 Windows 95 47 / 50 Which type of command requires additional files to perform specific operations? Internal commands External commands Valuable commands Primary commands 48 / 50 Which of the following is an essential file of a MS-DOS boot disk? COMMAND.COM START.COM TREE.COM VER.COM 49 / 50 The date and time displays on Taskbar Status bar System tray Launch pad 50 / 50 A co-processor Is relatively easy to support in software Causes all processor to function equally Works with any application Is quite common in modern computer Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte Restart quiz Word 1 MS WORD 50 Random Questions in Every Attempt. 1 / 51 What is the smallest and largest font size available in Font Size tool on formatting toolbar? 8 and 72 8 and 64 12 and 72 None of the above 2 / 51 What is the default number of lines to drop for drop cap. 3 10 15 20 3 / 51 What is the default file extension for all Word documents? .txts .word .docs .docx 4 / 51 What is the default left margin in Word 2003 document? 1" 1.25" 1.5" 2" 5 / 51 When typing in a word field manually, what must you press to insert the code’s braces? Ctrl + F6 Ctrl + F9 Alt + F11 Shift + F12 6 / 51 When you click on File menu in Word 2010, it opens File menu File Commands Backstage View File Ribbon 7 / 51 Which would you choose to save a document with a new name? Press Ctrl+S Click File, Save Click Tools, Options, Save Click File, Save As 8 / 51 Pressing F8 key for three times selects a word a sentence a paragraph entire document 9 / 51 What is the maximum scale percentage available in Scale drop down box? 500 200 100 90 10 / 51 The word wrap reature Automatically move text to the next line when necessary Appears at the bottom of the document Allows you to type over text is the short horizontal line 11 / 51 How many different positions can you set for drop cap? 1 2 4 6 12 / 51 Which enables you to move directly to specific location in a document? Subdocuments Bookmarks Cross-references Outlines 13 / 51 What is the shortcut key you can press to create a copyright symbol? Alt+Ctrl+C Alt + C Ctrl + C Ctrl + Shift + C 14 / 51 You need to jump to the next column breaking current column right at the cursor position. How can you break column? Pressing Ctrl+Enter Pressing Alt+Shift+Enter Break command from Insert menu Both b and c 15 / 51 What is the short cut key to open Font dialog box? Ctrl + F Alt + Ctrl + F Ctrl + D Ctrl + Shift + D 16 / 51 Word, by default, places a tab stop at every … mark on the ruler. 0.25" 0.5" 0.75" 1" 17 / 51 What is the maximum number of lines you can set for lines to drop box? 3 5 10 15 18 / 51 How much space in minimum must be provided between columns? 0" 0.5" 1" 1.5" 19 / 51 How will MS Word will respond in repeated word. A Red wavy line under the repeated word A Green wavy line under the repeated word A Blue wavy line under the repeated word None of the above 20 / 51 What is the shortcut key for “Subscript” the selected text? Ctrl + = Ctrl + – Ctrl + Shift + = d. Ctrl + Shift + – 21 / 51 What is the shortcut key to split a table? Alt + Shift + Enter Alt + Space + Enter Ctrl + Alt + Enter Ctrl + Shift + Enter 22 / 51 What is the shortcut key to Update Formula in a table? F9 Alt + F9 Ctrl + F9 Shift + F9 23 / 51 In mail merge operation which of the following might represent the main document? A sales brochure A form letter A database of Names and Addresses All of above 24 / 51 How many columns can you insert in a word document in maximum? 35 45 55 65 25 / 51 What is the smallest width of a column? 0" 0.5" 1" 1.5" 26 / 51 What is the default font used in MS Word 2007 document? Times New Roman Arial Calibri Preeti 27 / 51 Word includes a series of predefined graphics called … that can be inserted into a Word document. clip art hyperlinks captions bookmarks 28 / 51 Single spacing in MS-WORD document causes … point line. 10 12 14 16 29 / 51 What is the short cut key to open the Open dialog box? F12 Shift F12 Alt + F12 Ctrl + F12 30 / 51 Which key is used to increase left indent? Ctrl+I Ctrl+M Alt+I F10 31 / 51 Which of the following is not available in Font Spacing? Normal Loosely Condensed Expanded 32 / 51 What do you call ‘a collection of character and paragraph formatting commands’? the defaults a template a style a boilerplate 33 / 51 What is the maximum font size you can apply for any character? 163 1638 1608 None of the above 34 / 51 How can you access the font size tool on formatting toolbar? Ctrl + S Ctrl + Shift + S Ctrl + P Ctrl + Shift + P 35 / 51 Ctrl + E Exit Application Select All Clear All Align Center 36 / 51 How can you increase the font size of selected text by one point every time? By pressing Ctrl + ] By pressing Ctrl + [ By pressing Ctrl + } By pressing Ctrl + { 37 / 51 What is the shortcut key for “Find and Replace” dialog box? Ctrl + F Ctrl + R Ctrl + H Ctrl + Shift + F 38 / 51 What is the shortcut key to “Center Align” the selected text? Ctrl + C Ctrl + E Ctrl + F None of above 39 / 51 In a document what is the maximum number of columns that can be inserted in MS Word Table? 35 15 63 65 40 / 51 What is the shortcut key for Spelling Check in document? F7 Shift + F7 Ctrl + F7 Alt + F7 41 / 51 What does Ctrl + = key effect? Superscript Subscript All Caps Shadow 42 / 51 Which of the following is not a type of page margin? Left Right Center Top 43 / 51 You can jump to the next column by Clicking with your mouse on the next column Press Alt + Down-arrow Both of above None of Above 44 / 51 Which option is not available in Insert Table Autofit behavior? Fixed Column Width AutoFit to Contents Autofit to Window Autofit to Column 45 / 51 Tabs stop position cannot be the following alignment Decimal Alignment Center Alignment Bar Alignment Justify Alignment 46 / 51 What is a Document Outline View? A preview in a full screen A preview with margins A View with a margins and gutter A view with a structure of heading at various levels 47 / 51 What is the shortcut key to “Insert Hyperlink” in a document? Ctrl + H Ctrl + L Ctrl + K None of above 48 / 51 The minimum number of rows and columns in MS Word document is 1 and 1 2 and 1 2 and 2 None of above 49 / 51 A (n) … is a dot or other symbol positioned at the beginning of a paragraph. bullet logo cell target 50 / 51 Which feature do you use to create a newspaper like document? Bullets & numbering Tables Columns Tab stops 51 / 51 To move the cursor page to page of document Ctrl+PgDn Ctrl+PgUp Both of above None of above Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte Restart quiz Excel 0 EXCEL 50 Random Questions in Every Attempt. 1 / 51 Which of the following is not an example of a value? 350 May 10, 2001 0.57 Serial Number 50771 2 / 51 If you begin typing an entry into a cell and then realize that you don’t want your entry placed into a cell, you: Press the Erase key Press Esc Press the Enter button Press the Edit Formula button 3 / 51 Text formulas: Replace cell references Return ASCII values of characters Concatenate and manipulate text Show formula error value 4 / 51 When the formula bar is active, you can see The edit formula button The cancel button The enter button All of the above 5 / 51 Hyperlinks can be Text Drawing objects Pictures All of above 6 / 51 Excel files have a default extension of .xls .xlw .wk1 .excel 7 / 51 To copy cell contents using drag and drop press the End key Shift key Ctrl key Esc key 8 / 51 Which of the following methods can not be used to edit the contents of a cell? Press the Alt key Clicking the formula bar Pressing the F2 key Double clicking the cell 9 / 51 Multiple calculations can be made in a single formula using standard formulas array formula complex formulas smart formula 10 / 51 Which of the following methods can not be used to enter data in a cell. Pressing an arrow key Pressing the Tab key Pressing the Esc key Clicking on the formula bar 11 / 51 You can use the horizontal and vertical scroll bars to Split a worksheet into two panes View different rows and columns edit the contents of a cell Edit the contents of a cell view different worksheets 12 / 51 A numeric value can be treated as a label value if it precedes with Apostrophe (') Exclamation (!) Hash (#) Ampersand (&) 13 / 51 You want to track the progress of the stock market on a daily basis. Which type of chart should you use? Pie chart Row chart Line chart Column chart 14 / 51 Concatenation of text can be done using Apostrophe (') Exclamation (!) Hash (#) Ampersand (&) 15 / 51 An excel workbook is a collection of Workbooks Worksheets Charts Worksheets and charts 16 / 51 Which symbol must all formula begin with? = + ( @ 17 / 51 A circular reference is Geometric modeling tool A cell that points to a drawing object A formula that either directly or indirectly depends on itself Always erroneous 18 / 51 How many characters can be typed in a single cell in Excel? 256 1024 32000 65535 19 / 51 Getting data from a cell located in a different sheet is called Accessing Referencing Updating Functioning 20 / 51 A worksheet range is a A command used for data modeling A range of values such as from 23 to 234 A group of cells A group of worksheets 21 / 51 Comments can be added to cells using Edit > Comments Insert > Comments File > Comments View > Comments 22 / 51 Files created with Lotus 1-2-3 have an extension DOC XLS 123 WK1 23 / 51 When a label is too long to fit within a worksheet cell, you typically must Shorten the label Increase the column width Decrease the column width Adjust the row height 24 / 51 Which menu option can be used to split windows into two Format > window View > window > split Window > split View > split 25 / 51 In a worksheet you can select The entire worksheet Rows Columns All of the above 26 / 51 Excel probably considers the cell entry January 1, 2000 to be a Label Value Formula Text string 27 / 51 Rounding errors can occur When you use multiplication, division, or exponentiation in a formula When you use addition and subtraction in a formula Because excel uses hidden decimal places in computation When you show the results of formulas with different decimal places that the calculated results 28 / 51 Comments put in cells are called Smart tip Cell tip Web tip Soft tip 29 / 51 To delete an embedded objects, first Double click the object Select the object by clicking it Press the Shift + Delete keys Select it and then press the delete key 30 / 51 You can enter which types of data into worksheet cells? Labels, values, and formulas Label's and values but not formulas Values and formulas but not labels Formulas only 31 / 51 To hold row and column titles in place so that they do not scroll when you scroll a worksheet click the Unfreeze panes command on the window menu Freeze panes command on the window menu Hold titles command on the edit menu Split command on the window menu 32 / 51 Which area in an excel window allows entering values and formulas Title bar Menu bar Formula bar Standard toolbar 33 / 51 Which is used to perform what if analysis? Solver Goal seek Scenario Manager All of above 34 / 51 Excel uniquely identifies cells within a worksheet with a cell name Cell names Column numbers and row letters Column letters and row numbers Cell locator coordinates 35 / 51 Which of the following is an absolute cell reference? !A!1 $A$1 #a#1 A1 36 / 51 You can use the drag and drop method to Copy cell contents Move cell contents Add cell contents a and b 37 / 51 You can activate a cell by Pressing an arrow key All of the above Pressing the Tab key Clicking the cell 38 / 51 Which of the following is a popular DOS based spreadsheet package? Word Smart Cell Excel Louts 123 39 / 51 Which of the following is not a valid data type in excel Number Character Label Date/time 40 / 51 Which elements of worksheet can be protected from accidental modification Contents Objects Scenarios All of above 41 / 51 To activate the previous cell in a pre-selected range, press The Alt key The Tab key The Enter key None of the above 42 / 51 The name box Shows the location of the previously active cell Appears to the left of the formula bar Appears below the status bar Appears below the menu bar 43 / 51 Which of following is Not one of Excel’s what-if function? Goal seek Solver Scenario manager Auto Outline 44 / 51 Which of the following is the oldest spreadsheet package? VisiCalc Lotus 1-2-3 Excel StarCalc 45 / 51 When integrating word and excel, word is usually the Server Destination Client Both b and c 46 / 51 Which of the following formulas is not entered correctly? =10+50 =B7*B1 =B7+14 10+50 47 / 51 Which of the following options is not located in the Page Setup dialog box? Page Break Preview. Page Orientation Margins Headers and Footers 48 / 51 What symbol is used before a number to make it a label? “ (quote) = (equal) _ (underscore) ‘ (apostrophe) 49 / 51 Which of the following formulas will Excel Not be able to calculate? =SUM(Sales)-A3 =SUM(A1:A5)*.5 =SUM(A1:A5)/(10-10) =SUM(A1:A5)-10 50 / 51 The chart wizard term data series refers to A chart legend A collection of chart data markers A set of values you plot in a chart A data label 51 / 51 Tab scrolling button Allow you to view a different worksheet Allow you to view additional worksheet rows down Allow you to view additional worksheet columns to the right Allow you to view additional sheets tabs Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte Restart quiz Power Point 1 MS POWER POINT 50 Random Questions in Every Attempt. 1 / 51 What is the term used when you press and hold the left mouse key and more the mouse around the slide? Highlighting Dragging Selecting Moving 2 / 51 Which of the following views is the best view to use when setting transition effects for all slides in a presentation? Slide sorter view Notes pages view Slide view Outline view 3 / 51 When using PowerPoint, to play a PowerPoint show for previewing the show, select View, slide sorter View, slide view, slide show View outline 4 / 51 To preview a motion path effect using the custom animation task pane, you should click the play button click the show effect button double click the motion path all of above 5 / 51 Which of the following tool enables you to add text to a slide without using the standard placeholders? Text tool box Line tool Drawing tool Auto shapes tool 6 / 51 In slide layout panel how many layouts are available for text layout by default? 4 7 12 None of above 7 / 51 Which of the following is the default page setup orientation of slide in PowerPoint Vertical Landscape Portrait None of above 8 / 51 Which of the following section does not exist in a slide layout? Titles Lists Charts Animations 9 / 51 The effect applied to display when slides changes in slide show view is Slide Animation Custom Animation Custom Transition Slide Transition 10 / 51 In Microsoft PowerPoint in order to see all the slides on one screen use Clicking the new button on the standard toolbar Clicking file, new licking file open Pressing Ctrl + N 11 / 51 What is a motion path? A type of animation entrance effect A method of advancing slides A method of moving items on a slide All of the above 12 / 51 Which file format can be added to a PowerPoint show? .jpg .gif .wav All of the above 13 / 51 Material consisting of text and numbers is best presented as A table slide A bullet slide A title slide All of the above 14 / 51 In which menu can you find features like Slide Design, Slide Layout etc.? Insert Menu Format Menu Tools Menu Slide Show Menu 15 / 51 Which of the following font effect is not available in PowerPoint Font dialog box? Underline Shadow Emboss Strikethrough 16 / 51 Which of the following can you use to add times to the slides in a presentation? Slide show menu Rehearse timings button Slide transition button All of the above 17 / 51 Which option allows you to select line, curve, freeform or scribble tools? Create effect Insert motion path Draw custom path All of the above 18 / 51 To add a header or footer to your handout, you can use The title master The slide master The handout master All of above 19 / 51 In Microsoft PowerPoint the entry effect as one slide replaces another in a show is called a (an) animation slide transition custom animation preset animation 20 / 51 Which of the following will not advance the slides in a slide show view? Esc key The spacebar he Enter key the mouse button 21 / 51 … ontrols all the main slide control tasks for your presentation. Task Pane Task Bar Control Panel None of above 22 / 51 The slide that is used to introduce a topic and set the tone for the presentation is called the table slide graph slide bullet slide title slide 23 / 51 What lets you to create new presentation by selecting ready-made font color and graphics effects? Presentation Template Master Slide Design Template Animation Scheme 24 / 51 How can you create a uniform appearance by adding a background image to all slides? Create a template Edit the slide master Use the autocorrect wizard All of the above 25 / 51 The selected design template can be applied to current slide only to all the slides to all the new presentation you create All of the above 26 / 51 to insert a hyperlink in a slide Choose Insert >> Hyperlink Press Ctrl + K Hyperlinks can't be inserted in slides both a & b 27 / 51 Which of the following provides a printed copy of your presentation? Outline Speaker notes Audience handouts All of the above 28 / 51 Which of the following toolbars provides different options in various master views? Formatting toolbar Standard toolbar Common tasks toolbar Drawing toolbar 29 / 51 A new presentation can be created from Blank Presentation From Existing Presentation From Design Template All of above 30 / 51 To start slide show of a presentation Hit F5 key From Slide Show menu choose View Show option From Slide Show menu choose Rehearse timing both a & b 31 / 51 What feature will you use to apply motion effects in between a slide exits and another enters? Slide Transition Slide Design Animation Objects Animation Scheme 32 / 51 Which option on the custom animation task pane allows you to apply a preset or custom motion path? Add effect Emphasis Animate now All of the above 33 / 51 The PowerPoint view that displays only text (title and bullets) is Slide show Slide sorter view Notes page view Outline view 34 / 51 In the context of animations, what is a trigger? An action button that advances to the next slide An item on the slide that performs an action when clicked The name of a motion path All of above 35 / 51 In Microsoft PowerPoint in order to see all the slides on one screen use view, slide sorter view, slide view, master view, master 36 / 51 In order to edit a chart, you can Triple click the chart object Click and drag the chart object Double click the chart object Click the chart object 37 / 51 Which command brings you to the first slide in your presentation? Next slide button Page up Ctrl + Home Ctrl + End 38 / 51 To select one hyperlink after another during a slide presentation, what do you press? Tab Ctrl + K Ctrl + h All of above 39 / 51 In Microsoft PowerPoint, two kinds of sound effects files that can be added to the presentation are .wav files and .mid files .wav files and .gif files .wav files and .jpg files .jpg files and .gif files 40 / 51 Want your logo in the same position on every slide, automatically? Insert it on the Handout master Notes master Slide master All of the above 41 / 51 Which short cut key inserts a new slide in current presentation? Ctrl+N Ctrl+M Ctrl+S All of the above 42 / 51 What PowerPoint feature will you use to apply motion effects to different objects of a slide? Slide Transition Slide Design Animation Objects Animation Scheme 43 / 51 Which of the following features should you use when typing in the notes text box? Slide show Insert Slide maser Zoom 44 / 51 Which tab is not available on left panel when you open a presentation? Outline Slides Notes All of above are available 45 / 51 Which of the following is not a part of Slide Design Design Template Color Scheme Animation Scheme Slide Layout 46 / 51 Which of the following should you use if you want all the slides in the presentation to have the same ‘look’? the slide layout option add a slide option outline view a presentation design template 47 / 51 special effects used to introduce slides in a presentation are called effects custom animations transitions present animations 48 / 51 Which of the following allow you to select more than one slide in a presentation? Alt + Click each slide Shift + drag each slide Shift + Click each slide Ctrl + Click each slide 49 / 51 Which of the following cannot be toggled from View >>Toolbars? Control Toolbox Slides Revisions Reviewing 50 / 51 If you want to insert some slides from other presentation into current one choose From Insert menu choose Slides from Files From Insert menu choose Slides from Presentation From Insert menu choose Slides None of above 51 / 51 Objects on the slide that hold text are called Placeholders Object holders Auto layouts Text holders Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte Restart quiz Access 0 MS ACCESS 50 Random Questions in Every Attempt. 1 / 51 Which field type can store photos? Hyperlink OLE Both a and b Access cant store photos 2 / 51 Which of the follwing query type is best suitable to analyze data? Cross tab Query Parameter Query Action Query None of the above 3 / 51 Which of the following columns does exist in Macro design window? Arguments Comments Conditions Actions 4 / 51 Which of the following database object can you import from one Microsoft Access database to another Quries Tables Forms All of the Above 5 / 51 A form defines Where data is placed on the screen The width of each field Both a and b All of the Above 6 / 51 In table design view, what are the first column of buttons used for… Indicate Primary key Indicate Current row Both a and b None of the above 7 / 51 The key uniquely identifies each record in a table. Primary key Key word Field name All of the Above 8 / 51 This is the stage in database design where one gathers and list all the necessary fields for the database project. Data defination Data refinement Establishing relationship None of the above 9 / 51 What is the maximum length of text field can be? 120 255 265 75 10 / 51 A small button with three dots usually displayed at the right of the field properties box. Make button Expression button Build button None of the above 11 / 51 Which of the following database object hod data? Forms Reports Queries Tables 12 / 51 The operation of checking input data against specified criteria is knowna as Data verification Data validation Cross check Data Control 13 / 51 Which of the following is NOT a report section? Report header section Summary section Page header section Details section 14 / 51 What tyep of text box does the toolbox and to a form? Bound Rebound Calculated Unbound 15 / 51 A collection of related records in database is known as a Table Database File None of the above 16 / 51 The two form layout types will display multiple records at one time are tabular and … Columnar Justified Data sheet Pivot table 17 / 51 In a database table, the category of information is called … Tuple Field Record All of the Above 18 / 51 What are the columns in a Microsoft Access table called? Rows Records Fields Columns 19 / 51 Which of the following is a database management system? MS Word MS Excel Oracle Lotus 123 20 / 51 The size of Yes/No field is always 1 bit 1 byte 1 character 1 GB 21 / 51 Which type of query extract the data and put them into separate table? A parameter query A make table query An update query A crosstab query 22 / 51 When a picture or other graphic image is placed in the report header section it will appear… Once in the beginning of the report At the top of every page Every after record break On the 1st and last pages of the report 23 / 51 Which of the follong database object produces the final result to present? Forms Reports Queries Tables 24 / 51 This option allows ou tu build a new table by entering data directly into the datasheet. Datasheet view Design view Link table None of the above 25 / 51 Microsoft access is a RDBMS OODBMS ORDBMS Network database model 26 / 51 A search value can be exact value or it can be Logical Operator Relationship Wild card character Comparison operation 27 / 51 A query summarizes information in a grid, organized by regions and months, Which type of query is this? An update query A parameter query An action query A cross tab query 28 / 51 When entering field name, how many characters you can type in maximum? 60 64 68 Any number of Character 29 / 51 The data type that allows alphanumeric characters and special symbols. Text Memo Auto number None of the above 30 / 51 Which of the following is not a database object? Tables Queries Relationship Reports 31 / 51 Which of the field has width 8 byets? Memo Number Date/Time Hyperlink 32 / 51 Which of the following types of queries are action query? Update query Append query Parameter query Both a and b 33 / 51 Database access levels are specified so as to define who can access what in a database. It is identified through User ID Password Status None of the above 34 / 51 The size of a filed with number data type can not be… 2 4 8 16 35 / 51 Which of the followign store command to retrieve data from database? Forms Reports Queries Tables 36 / 51 The expression bulder is an access tool that controls an expression … for entering an expression. Table Box Cell Palette 37 / 51 Both conditions display on the same row in the design grid when … operator is in use OR IN AND LIKE 38 / 51 Which of the following is not a filed type in access Memo Hyperlink OLE Object Lookup Wizard 39 / 51 The “Filter by selection” allows you to filter those records That match the selected field That match the criteria specified That meet any of several criteria specified All of the Above 40 / 51 How can you define a field so that when entering data for that field it will display *** instead of actual typed text Input Mask Validation Rule Indexed Ime Mode 41 / 51 Which of the following database object is created first before any other created? Table Form Report Query 42 / 51 In relatinal database schema each tuple divided into fields known as… Relations Queries Records Domains 43 / 51 A part of database that stores complete information about an entity such as emplyoee, sales, orders etc. File Records Field Query 44 / 51 The database language that allows you to access or maintain data in a databae DCL DML DDL None of the above 45 / 51 What it is called to present information in a particular order based on numeric or alphabetical value? Sorting Searching Arranging Cropping 46 / 51 A … name must be unique whithin a database Table Field Record Character 47 / 51 The … button on the toolbox display data from a related table Sub form sub report Relationship Select objects More controls 48 / 51 The checking operation performed on input data is called the Validation of data Verification of data Cross check Control of data 49 / 51 A database language concerned with the defination of the whole database structure and schema is … DCL DML DDL All of the Above 50 / 51 In table design view, which key can be used to switch between field names and properties panels? F3 F4 F5 F6 51 / 51 It is the query that when run displays its own dialog box promting you for information sch as Select Cross tab Parameter Append Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte Restart quiz HTML 0 HTML 50 Random Questions in Every Attempt. You need to add questions Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte Restart quiz